The Oriental Baylander (Header)

January 26, 2015

Call for papers: International Conference on OBE and TNE: One with ASEAN 2015

International Conference on Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) and Transnational Education (TNE):
One with ASEAN 2015
7-8 May 2015
Crown Legacy Hotel
Corner Montinola Street, Kisad Road Baguio City, Philippines 2600

Education as a key societal sector in the Philippines is significantly affected with ASEAN 2015. With its motto, “One vision, one identity, one community,” ASEAN seeks to establish a regional community this 2015 among its 10 member countries. Understandably, education lies at the core of ASEAN’s development process that contributes to the creation of a knowledge-based society, community building and enhancement of ASEAN competitiveness. Under the third pillar of ASEAN Community – more specifically ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) – member-states are expected to invest heavily on its people’s education. Given the Philippines’ membership in the ASEAN, our educational system will definitely be affected as it has far-ranging ramifications in terms of employment, jobs and leadership trainings, among others.

Two key dimensions of our current Philippine educational system are Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) and Transnational Education (TNE). The essence of OBE is the delivery of education with a focus on outcomes. Dr William Spady, the self-proclaimed father of OBE, argued that it entails focusing and organizing everything in an educational system around what is essential for all students to be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experiences.
The advent of OBE is in recognition of the deficiencies of the input-based traditional education. Such deficiencies include: students’ learning environment with little attention to whether or not students ever learn the material; exam oriented since students are given grades and rankings compared to each other; graduates are not completely prepared for the workforce; and lack of emphasis on soft skills needed in jobs such as positive working attitude and communication skills.
TNE, the other dimension, was referred by UNESCO/ Council of Europe in 2001 to “all types of higher education study programs, or sets of courses of study, or educational services (including distance education) in which the learners are located in a country different from the one where the awarding institution is based.” TNE is distinct from the two standard forms of international student mobility where: (1) a student moves to another country and later on return with his credentials obtained from a foreign country, and (2) a student is briefly mobile (on a semester-based exchange or short-term study program). Under the TNE scheme, the students do not move geographically but study in their home country; however, their credentials are awarded in the name of a foreign institution.  
Education was always dubbed to be the right road to progress and prosperity.  As Aristotle said “Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body.”

GOAL and OBJECTIVES. The goal of this conference is to provide trends in OBE and TNE and to evaluate the practices in the Philippines and abroad. The objectives are as follows: 
1.      Examine the policy/institutional perspectives for OBE and TNE;
2.      Present the OBE and TNE practices and/ or experiences of selected state universities and colleges (SUCs),  private higher education institutions (HEIs) and other countries;
3.      Examine the implications/ramifications of these OBE and TNE practices with regard to the education dimension of ASEAN 2015;
4.      Relate studies in education and its impact to OBE.

CALL FOR PAPERS. Theoretical, applied and empirical papers as well as case studies on outcomes-based education (OBE), transnational education (TNE) ASEAN 2015 and Education are the coverage of this conference.  
Interested individuals can expect a dynamic engagement by and among educators who will present their research, outcomes, observations, case studies, findings and innovative ideas on these themes.

 1.      Outcomes-based education (OBE)
 2.      Transnational education (TNE)
§  Massive Open Online Courses
§  Distance Education
§  Residential Classes
§  Blended Learning
§  Crossborder Education
3.       ASEAN 2015
§  Awareness
§  Readiness
§  Assessment
§  Faculty and Students Mobility
§  Others 
4.      Education
§  Educational Management/Administration
§  Graduate Tracer Studies
§  Curriculum and Instruction
§  Teaching pedagogies/methodologies
§  Students 
5.      Academe-Industry Collaborations
§   Education for Industry
§   Linkages in Education


PREPARATION OF ABSTRACTS. Abstracts should be written in English and must be typewritten (using 14 pt. Garamound font), single-spaced with 1”margins on all sides of a letter-sized paper (8.5” x 11”) in portrait. Abstract length should be between 150-300 words. The text should be justified. The title, author/s and address should be center aligned, while the abstract write-up/body should be justified. Identify the preferred seminar session.

TITLE. The title should be printed in bold capital letters with scientific names italicized.

KEY WORDS. Up to six key words can be included in a separate line below the abstract for indexing purposes.  

AUTHORS. The names of all the authors should be indicated; the name of the presenting author should be followed by an asterisk (*). Only the presenting author’s address and email should be indicated.

SUBMISSION. All abstracts should be submitted by email to the Seminar Secretariat at Haydee Festiken at or Marites Bumidang at by 8 April 2015.

FRAUD AND PLAGIARISM. All abstracts should be of unpublished and original works of the author. The author will solely be liable for any claims of fraud and plagiarism.


Deadline for Submission of Abstract                           8 April 2015
Notification of Acceptance of Abstract                        15 April 2015
Deadline of Full Paper                                                 22 April 2015
Deadline of Registration                                               27 April 2015
Deadline of Submission of Powerpoint Presentation 30 April 2015

Live-in Participants* PhP 4,800.00
Live-out Participants PhP  4,000.00


 Family Name,             First Name            M.I.
Affiliation: ________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________
Profession: ________________________________
Email: ____________________________________
Tel No. ______________ CP No. _______________
I will present my paper:     [  ]Yes      [  ] No
Type of Accommodation: [  ]Live-In  [  ] Live-Out
Size of shirt: [ ] S [ ] M [ ] L [ ] XL

[  ] Cash (On site registration only)
[  ] Manager’s check payable to IFSU
[  ] Bank deposit (IFSU account)

SEMINAR HOST and ORGANIZER: International Distance Education Accreditation League, Inc.

SEMINAR CO-ORGANIZER: Ifugao state University and Palawan State University

Address inquiries to:
Ifugao State University


For pre-registration, you may deposit registration fees (cash or check) to Cordillera Administrative Region Association of State Universities and Colleges (CARASUC) Savings Account Number: 004960224943 at BDO - Solano Branch, Solano, Nueva Vizcaya.

Submit your registration form and scanned deposit slip to  or on or before 15 April 2015.

*The original deposit slip should be submitted at the registration desk on the day of the seminar.

Note: The Conference is both endorsed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Philippines on January 22, 2015 and the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) as per Advisory No. 19, s. 2015.

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