The Oriental Baylander (Header)

December 12, 2011

Why spend so much?

(12Dec2011 by: oriental baylander)
     Christmas is just days away. Let this humble representation share a simple reminder, not just for Christmas perse but throughout the year. Although simple and easy to understand, many of us have yet to internalize its essence. And sometimes putting into practice is impractical for others. Well, let us think of our future as much as we think of the present.
     The image you can see here speaks for itself. Lavish spending will further put our finances and our nation into the brink of financial downfall.
     To improve our finances and have a better life, I encourage myself^I^ and you to consider three simple steps:
1. Begin eliminating debts. Spending less than we earn frees up the money we need to make larger payments on debts. Remember that only the debtor that is responsible in paying debts, NOT friends, relatives or other people.
2. Begin to save. Build up some cash in your own savings account, this is also for emergency and retirement purposes.
3. Free yourself from stress. No debt, no stress. You are more confident to think of your future plans. Be thrifty. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think this is more an issue for women than for men. it's because women want to decorate themselves, never been satisfied with what they have, grrrrrr... just kidding! nothing serious about it but i think it's true.